面神经acial nerve , 是第七对脑神经。由感觉、运动和副交感神经纤维组成,分别管理舌的味觉,面部表情肌运动及支配舌下腺、下颌下腺和泪腺的分泌。一般认为是舌弓的背侧支。介于相当于脊神经节的膝神经节的起始部附近。

Acial facial nerve, which is the seventh of the brain. Consists of sensory, motor and parasympathetic nerve fibres, separately tongue taste, facial muscle movement and control under the sublingual gland, submandibular gland and lacrimal gland secretion. Generally considered to be the dorsal branch of the lingual arch. Between the knees of equivalent of spinal ganglion ganglion near the start of the.

  • ■ 面神经炎

    面神经炎是指茎乳孔内面神经非特异性炎症导致的周围性面瘫。青壮年多发,发病时不容易被察觉,容易被忽视耽误治疗。 [症状表现] 部分病人发病前数日有同侧下颌角... [详情]
